Strawberry Butter Cake-atini Recipe

For the butter cake I got it from this site so clickity click! But I omitted the nuts.

    250 g flour
    2 tsp baking powder
    250 g butter
    250 g sugar
    5 eggs
    2 tsp vanilla

For strawberry filling

    1 punnet strawberries
    1 cup thick cream
    optional raw sugar

How to make Strawberry Butter Cake-atini

SORRY! I took the picture after we all basically devoured the cake. This was the last little piece left. It was that yummy I swear!

I took the butter cake recipe from here. It's pretty easy and basic but since I wanted to eventually turn it into a layer cake with strawberries, I didn't add in the nuts. In retrospect, I wonder if it would've provided a nice texture. Hmm..

    Preheat oven to 180 deg .
    Swift the flour and the baking powder .
    beat the butter and the sugar until the sugar melts.
    add the eggs one at a time . beat .
    add the vanilla extract .
    bake .
    cool it when done .

Okay before you begin making the strawberry filling while the cake is cooling, DO NOT WASH THE STRAWBERRIES IN WATER. Berries of all sorts will tend to absorb water through osmosis and that's what makes them squishy and watery after they get dunked in water. What you do is, wet a cloth and wipe the strawberries thoroughly, making sure you wipe under the leaves and everything. Then you'll have plump but not watery strawberries.

    Wipe strawberries clean and then remove leaves and the middle bit then slice finely.
    Beat cream till it's almost thick enough to stand on it's own. But don't overdo it, I had a friend who beat the cream for too long and it actually churned and turned into butter.
    Slice up butter cake into 4 layers and then put one layer of cream on each slice and on top of that a layer of finely sliced strawberries. Sugar is optional, it's just for those with a mega sweet tooth.
    Stack them back up, decorate, slice into serving sized pieces and NOM!

Author telliecoin

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